Lynny 11th September 2023

For one reason and another, I've had some really dark times in life, some where I've only seen one way one out, however every time it has felt like like has been too much, there's been one consistent thing that's gotten me through, that's gave me the strength to fight on, and that's been Runrig's music. People underestimate the power of music, but several songs have quite literally saved my life. Not many bands could so what Runrig did, their music is there when you feel elated, there when you want to dance, there when you can't but cry, there when you're at the top of a mountain, when you need to just run, or when youve fallen in love, there was a song for every moment, and a large part of that was Bruce's incredible voice and ability to keep you hanging on his every word. No other band has ever shown as much soul to me, in every note, in every lyric. I pray that Bruce's faith gave him strength, and that his family gain strength knowing just how many lives Bruce enriched and improved; an act most people can't begin to imagine being able to do. He was a born performer, but more than that, he was a born brilliant person, something there is not enough of in this world any more. Thank you so much for allowing Bruce to share his talent with us all, for letting us have a song for all the important moments of our lives. My thoughts are with all his dear family, colleagues and friends; your grief must be unimaginable. Tapadh leibh airson a h-uile òran, oidhche mhath agus Gum beannaicheadh ​​Dia thu