When my daughter was born she had a knot in her umbilical cord and due to this was a small baby who had to be tube fed. She was also a baby who was reluctant to sleep so I spent many hours singing or playing music to her. She loved Runrig but the one song that worked the best was Bruce singing 'Every River'. Years later, when she was older I took her to a concert in Ipswich to see the band. It was late and she struggled to stay awake at about 10.00pm. She sat on my lap and joined in singing when Bruce started to sing 'Every River' but before the song was over had fallen asleep. It was as if, for just half an hour or so Bruce had taken us back in time to when she was my tiny baby again. It was magical and reminded me of how fortunate we had been when she was born. In 2018 we went to Stirling to say our goodbyes. Again we sang along to every single song but 'Every River', sung by Bruce holds a special meaning for us. We share a knowing giggle and smile even now when we hear it. It always will. Although we never met Bruce he had given us a beautiful song to share our memories with. To us, it is made more beautiful as it was picked by a little baby girl who at a few months old decided that it was Bruce's voice she liked the best to rock her to sleep. I am so sorry to know that I will never hear his voice singing again and cannot even imagine the pain you are going through. I hope you find a little comfort in knowing that Bruce sparks beautiful memories of hope and love in my life. He certainly made a difference in my life and I am very thankful to him.