Graeme Smith 12th September 2023

Kim, Jodi, Dylan, I simply do not know how to thank-you for giving us so much of your husband & father. I know that it must have been hard for him to spend so much time on the road, far away from those he loved more than anything else in this world. I like to think that we helped him enjoy the time away just as much as we all loved watching him perform. I first met Bruce during his first Runrig tour, straight after a show in Manchester, England - and then again the very next day before a show in Irvine, Scotland. He couldn't believe that we had travelled so far to see the band and had managed to get to the next venue before them (we were there about 7 hours before the show to get the front row). But that was what seeing Runrig was all about - the shared experience, the comradery, the togetherness. Something Bruce understood 100%. That first night in Manchester we all applauded as Bruce entered the meet & greet room - something that I remember took Calum by surprise as it had never happened before and I guess he was realising just how perfect it was that Bruce was in the band. Front & centre. Bringing everyone together. Singing with that amazing, amazing voice. Every fan has a million more stories just like this (as do I) and I know they will be told for many, many years to come. To quote the great man himself, "We will remember". With a family as strong as yours I know you will continue to find comfort in each other and your memories. I know there is nothing that can be said to remove the pain, but if these tributes help put even the smallest of smiles on your faces then I hope we, the fans, are doing something to begin to repay what Bruce (and yourselves) have done for us. We can never thank-you enough. Bruce should be held up as an example to all to follow your dreams, work hard and stay humble. Having two highly successful careers at the same time is one thing, to do it with such ease and humility is not. That is what means so much, and why this hurts so much. I recently got married and managed to edit Bruce's 'We will remember' ad-lib from the Party on the Moor into my speech (with credit given before I read it out!). Every line fitted perfectly, and as my wife & I met at that gig it just meant so much. I remember thinking about him later on in the day and wanting to share it with him as a thank-you (by this time we were aware he was ill). I had hoped that in some small way it would help him smile and know just what he meant to us all. Here's to Bruce - Husband, Father & musical hero (I am sure this would be the order he'd want it in). Amen Brother x