It seems to me like not long ago, standing amongst several thousand riggies in a concert hall in Cologne, Germany (I'm not sure either it was the "Palladium" or the "E-Werk", each capable for about 5.000 people and completely sold out), when we were waiting for Runrig, for the new -unknown- frontman for his first tour with our lads in Germany. We weren't sure - would he be good in his job, would we all go home disappointed, possibly having experienced the "beginning of the end" of the band? But then they switched off the lights. And only one man was sitting on a bar-chair on the stage, illuminated just by one light, completely alone. Just singing one verse of a Runrig song. Alone, without any instrument played accompanying him. That was the first time I heard Bruce. WE heard Bruce. You could have heard a needle fall, no sound except of Bruce singing. Then, after he finished the verse, there was a second of silence. But it had happened. All of us were not only applauding. We were exploding. We cheered to him, realizing that Runrig had a new frontman. A damned good one. And that Runrig would live on. That unknown guy from Nova Scotia had won. He won 5.000 Riggies' hearts just within seconds. And there he stayed since then. And will stay. Forever. We love You,