Like losing a friend…

Created by Jon one year ago

A dh' innse na firinn
Cha chreidinn sa na briathran…

I never knew Bruce personally. But it felt like I did! I watched him perform over 20 times and was always stunned by his vocal prowess, his wicked sense of humour and his amazing ability to engage with an audience of complete strangers, no matter how many where at the concert. He brought a new life to a band that was struggling after losing their lead singer and soon cemented his place as an equally great frontman! 
Standing at the front of the crowd, as I regularly did, it often felt like I made eye contact with him and I felt like he was singing just for me.

He was an amazing man, a phenomenal talent and he will be sorely missed by us ‚Riggies‘. 

Air sràidean baile a mhaireas
An là nach criochnaich is nach gluais…