2010 Ferry Crossing

Created by Andrew one year ago

I met Bruce twice and on both occassions in 2010. The first time was after Runrig played the Hebridean Celtic Festival in Stornoway. The band were leaving the island next day on the ferry and i was the 1st Mate on the ferry at the time. I had Bruce up on the bridge with me for most of the crossing and we chatted about all sorts of things. He struck me as a nice , kind and humble man. I asked if he would mind signing something for my wife as she was a big fan of his - i explained that we were both Runrig fans and that we had just bought tickets to see the band at their Barrowland show in the coming December. Bruce said he would go and see if he had a CD to sign for my wife in his luggage (i just wanted him to sign a piece of paper!). He returned and said he didnt have any CDs but had his AAA pass in his bag from the Heb Celt show the previous night and he signed that for her instead! How very kind that was of him to do that. He went one step further after signing the pass and then told me that i shouldn't have bought tickets for the Glasgow show and he put myself and my wife on the guestlist!!!

So the next meeting was indeed at the aftershow party at the Glasgow Barrowlands that December. My wife was keen to meet Bruce and as i nervously approached him to ask for a photo with my Wife , i expected i would have to explain myself , who i was and how i got there. As i said excuse me Bruce he turned round to me and called me by name and asked how i was doing!  He gladly had his photo taken with my wife and she was made up. He was lovely to her and i will never forget how kind he was. 

Bruce Guthro was a good guy and both myself and my wife Eilidh would like to pass on our deepest sympathies and condolences to all the Guthro family.


I attach a photo i took of my Wife Eilidh and Bruce at the aftershow party in the Glasgow Barrowlands 2010
