Bruce - Kindly-impatience and very grounded person

Created by Jan one year ago

I got to know Bruce in person in 2005 when I was invited to join release of album Beautiful life at Cafe' Hack Aarhus.

I fell into conversation with him about doing some soloconcerts. And he said OK, will you promote me, and not knowing what to say I said... Yes. And in november 2006 I did 2 concertdates at Gl. Estrup Articultural Museum, Auning Denmark. Those evenings is a great memory of both me and my wife. After the second concert we sat down with Bruce and all of us involved in the concert and did small talk. He did not wan't to talk about himself, but instead wanted to hear about us who sat there and our lives. It was with so much kindness and impatience and we all laughed and Bruce even told a funny story about a drunk man I remember.

The way Bruce was, as both musician and human being he is role model for us all.

Bruce you will always be here. "And somewhere in the light we will find you"......just look at the stars.

Jan Qvist, Denmark
