I "inherited" my taste in music from my older brothers. In the mid-80s (I was just 14 or 15) I heard Runrig for the first time in my brother Stefan's VW Beetle. From then on, the band and the music never let me go. With my first salary as a trainee I bought a ticket for a concert in 1989 - I think it was in Frankfurt. Until the last two concerts in Stirling, I had seen the boys live well over 50 times. When I heard Bruce live for the first time, it was an indescribable feeling. From the first note I loved what he was doing. The way he sang the songs - familiar and yet so different. Bruce's voice was like a hug from a friend. Concerts were like coming home to family. The way he interacted with us, the fans, how he was able to get thousands of people singing and dancing within minutes will remain in my memory forever. My head knows that Bruce had to leave, but my heart doesn't understand that. If that makes me so incredibly sad, it's hard for me to imagine how his family must be feeling. My thoughts and my deepest condolences are with them. We will remember.
Rest in Peace, Bruce.