it was the early 90s, we travelled from Newcastle to the croft near bunessan on Mull, the journey was as much as the destination, listening to the big wheel as we passed over rannoch moor and up the west. Even in the donnie days that feeing that gripped me has had more influence on me and my life than i will know.
fast forward, my wedding(s) funerals and parties, have all been touched by sounds of the band, every river and all the miles as first dance songs, a freinds wedding was touched by the final mile, funerals have all had the music because of its ability to reflect a person a place or an entire culture.
but even after the events of the last week, the journey continues, the next generation are listening to the groups work, and hopefully giving the same feeing, you know, that gutteral, instinctive, cant describe feeing that holds you and influences an entire life.
My Daughter (Alba, yes thank you again) will be told the message, what the songs stood for and how they affected the fans,
Bruce brought another side to the group which cast the message further, it spread the joy and gave another dimension and sound to something which through the message of the group held so many hearts. He will be missed but i dont think anyone in the group realises just how deep the whole 50 years has become ingrained in culture.
from myself, my family, my freinds circle….
you asked me to believe in magic, we did, we ao did.
Gav Smith (and Alba)