I was a Runrig fan since 1969. I met and married my late wife Pat Young thru Runrig Fan Club who a founder member of the fan club. We went to many Runrig concerts together until Donnie Munro announced that he was leaving the band. We worried that this would mean the end of our beloved Runrig.
Then the news that Runrig had found a new lead singer . Enter one Bruce Guthro from Canada. Donnie Munro was a large pair of shoes to fill . We need not have worried . Bruce was a hit and great fit for Runrig. He was a great singer and not only did he save Runrig for the next twenty years he took Runrig to a higher level.
But not only was he a great singer he was also a thourly nice kind and humourous personality. We first met Bruce in person in New York at the after show party after Runrig's Tartan week concert in 2006. Pat had health issues and Bruce was charming and so engaging ( see the attached photo ).
Fast forward to November 2010 Pat got the devistating news that she had an inoperable terminal brain tumor . We were planning to go to see Runrig in the Barrowland in December. Pat treated her diagnosis with real courage but her condition deteriorated. The Barrowland was not particularly disabled friendly so i contacted the band to see i could get a disabled facility at the gig. During the encore at the bands insistance there the manager presented us with a signed Runrig CD. A day later we were contacted to say that although the band were off to Denmark as part of the same tour they had agreed cto invite us to an all exenses paid as guest of the band to attend there final concert of the tour in Newcastle . (See Runrig's Fans Book of Golden Stories ).
We both attended the event. We turned up at the sound check at Newcastlle's City Hall as agreed. We were sitting in an empty venue. In walked one Bruce Guthro with a runrig base ball hat worn backwards. He crept up behind Pat and tapped her on the shoulder and said its Pat is it not ? He sat and talked to Pat for ages. He asked her how long had she followed Runrig and she said 1973 and she was founder member of the Runrig fan Club. He laughed and said oh yes there was some other guy who used to be the leadsinger but i can't remember his name he he lol. Pat thought his humour was hilarious and really broke the ice. Bruce and the other band members spent along time informing chatting to Pat. Then Bruce asked her what song did she wanted them to sing in the sound check for her. She said the cutter. Bruce performed the Cutter especially for Pat in the empty theatre. We then got VIP seats at the concert. This whole experience meant so much to Pat. It helped her through her struggles witth cancer in the months ahead. The whole event was mentioned in the Wire. The kindness of Bruce and the Band meant so much to both Pat and I. Pat lost her couragous fight against Cancer in February 2012.
I was obviously devistated at Pat's death but i continued to attend Runrig concerts and i felt that Pat was with me. As i said before i grew increasingly impressed how Bruce took Runrig to a higher level. He continued to juggle afamily life and a aolo career in Canada with the punishing role as the lead singer of a major band with world appeal in Scotland with real skill and energy. I contined to attend Runrig gigs including the Last Dance in Stirling and the Premier of the last Dance Premier in Glasgow. Little did I know that Bruce was courageously facing his own health issues. It was therfore a real shock when Bruce and his family issued a video announcing he was seriously ill and had to cancel a festival. I was saddened but impressed by his approach. I was touched that Bruce was so supportive to Pat and now he was facing his own issues.Therefore I vwas so sad shocked when the news came through that Bruce had lost his battle surrounded by his family. While I have never met Kim, Dylan and JodieI send my condolences and Bruce was such a talented and special person whovwill live in our hearts for ever.
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