Bruce - there is no way without you <3

Created by Karin one year ago

The death news came as a slap in the face - dear Bruce, your family must be heartbroken but they can be so damn proud of you. Dear Kim, dear Jodi, dear Dylan - I send you my sincere condolences. We Runrig fans grieve with you. 
And to bandmates Rory, Culum, Iain, Malcom and Brian, I also send my heartfelt condolences. You are not only friends of Bruce - you are or were always his second home, his second family and I don't want to imagine how you feel with this news. You spent so much time together and even though you knew about the terrible diagnosis, you are never prepared for it. I wish you all the strength you need now. Music will always connect you.

I have simply never personally felt this sadness with any well-known artist who has left this world. It also feels to me like a very good friend has left. I hope that this wound will close soon, through listening to his wonderful music and this really unique voice.

Dear Bruce, thank you for all the wonderful concert moments I was lucky enough to experience. I thank you for the wonderful music, your mischievous smile, your jokes at concerts and especially for spending so much time in Europe while your family in Nova Scotia had to do without you. But they just knew that you belonged on stage and that you were at home there. Thank you.

The music of Runrig and your music as a solo artist has been with me for many years (thanks to my parents). They came back from a Runrig concert in Oberhausen (2007) with the DVD "The 30th Anniversary Concert". I was 15 at the time and watched that DVD and I was just blown away...from then on I was a fan and went to some concerts and bought any merch/ CDs/ BluRays to have the music with me. And also your solo albums are here on the table and I just can't understand that there won't be another album. You had to go way too early... how unbelievably unfair this world can be.

And now I understand why there had to be "The Last Dance" in Stirling. Now everything is clear and I admire even more with what joy of life you enjoyed this concert - this fear of not being able to experience it again, that must have "eaten you up". It never showed in your face - you kept going and were so strong. Thank you for giving us this beautiful concert moment and that we can watch it again and again on Blu-Ray. At the moment I can't watch it without tears but the time will come back.

I watched the DVD "Year of the Flood" with tears in my eyes when I was in France for a 3-month student exchange (2008). Whenever I got homesick, the music was there for me and cheered me up. A live concert was like coming home or I just picked up the guitar and played Runrig songs myself. It was so good. It was balm for the soul.

And I also understand your solo concert 2019 in Düsseldorf even more now in retrospect. Jodi and Dylan were both there and you gave them both a stage that evening - you were just a very proud father and just wanted to show it. And you were probably also guessing that night: "How many times am I going to have the opportunity to do a tour with my kids?" You also enjoyed this evening and thrilled the audience. After the concert I was able to talk to Jodi and wondered why you weren't still there after the concert. Now I can understand that too - it must be hard for you to be asked countless times during the evening "Why doesn't Runrig go on?" How can you answer that if you didn't choose it yourself. I couldn't bear to talk about it either.

I also thank you for your farewell video in July - a farewell video without saying goodbye but you knew you didn't have much time left. I understood after this video that you are really not well but that it goes so fast... it was all too sudden and the many prayers were unfortunately not answered but luckily you did not go completely silent - but with music and even if it is the saddest song you ever wrote - I love it. Dear Bruce - I still send you an Amen wherever you are now. You are now singing on with the angels - you have found your angel and I hope that you are now much better after the long, serious illness.

Dear Bruce - there is no way without you. You will live on in a different way and even though I am only 31 - one day we might see each other again.

Every river I try to cross
Every hill I try to climb
Every ocean I try to swim
Every road I try to find
All the ways of my life
I'd rather be with you
There's no way
Without you <3

I am infinitely sad that the book of golden stories is now closed. 
Thank you for the many wonderful years.

Lots of love 
