Continuing the Runrig journey

Created by Ann one year ago

Like most Runrig fans I was disappointed when Donnie left but I wanted to hear more from them and hoped that a new lead singer could be found.  The first concert I experienced with Bruce as the front man was in Glasgow. Any fears that the band could not carry on with Donnie disapperaed.  Bruce made the songs his own, he didn’t try to mimic Donnie in anyway and the band was better for it.  I was sold right from the first song but the one that sticks in my mind from that night is The Water is Wide.  Beautiful song, sung brilliantly.  I was lucky enough to see them play many more times after this, going from strength to strength.

I’ve never been one to shed tears when musicians, actors etc pass away. I’ve felt sadness and sympathy but never connected enough with them to cry.  I have shed a tear or two for Bruce, his loss is huge and has been felt by everyone privilged to have seen him perform.  I can’t imagine how distraught his family are and I hope the reading and hearding stories and happy memories from his fans and friends give them strength.

Thank you for the years of music and memories.