May the candle of his life burn bright

Created by Sharney one year ago

I’ve had a candle burning (safely, in a glass cage) ever since I heard. I’m also glad to say that when I was homesick in New York City, years ago, it was Bruce’s voice that gave me strength to complete the time I had there, and then to leave the bad memories behind, so there were only good remaining by the tine of return.

May reading all these words and memories from far and wide bring the Guthro family comfort in the difficult days, weeks, and months ahead. He was so very loved, and I wish I could have met him. I‘m privileged to have shared a few jokes with Jodi a time or two re Bruce’s golfing skills, or his DIY skill; she’s just as kind and as hilarious as her dad!

(I sent a liink feom Instagram: a meme saying ‘Nova Scotian dads after storms, drunk, wielding chainsaws: any DIY need doin’?"

"Quite accurate!" she replied. Hopefully minus the alcohol! His DIY was legendary, apparently?)

I hope this can make you laugh through the tears. He is just behind your shoulder, just out of your eyeline, always there.

’Death is nothing. I just slipped away, into the next room.’