Bruce in Portree!

Created by Craig one year ago

I have been a fan of Runrig since 1984 and, like many, was apprehensive when Donnie left the band. I was at his last three nights at Stirling Castle and the feeling after each of them, especially the last one, was "well that is it". There was a real chance this could be the end of Runrig.

News came though of a new album being recorded (In Search of Angels) and a search was on for a new lead singer. There was hope! Fast forward to Sheffield October 1998. My first concert with "the new man" (as Bruce was described at the time!). The anticipation was palpable - what would he be like? Would he know the words? Would he fit in with the rest of the band? All these questions and more were running through my head. Then, the lights went down and the intro music started. When it stopped, there is normally a massive cheer when the band were about to start. However, the place went silent. Out strode Bruce, acoustic guitar in hand and approached the microphone at the front and centre of the stage. As soon as he sang "When I arrived in Canada" that was it, the place went wild! I must admit, I did have a little something in my eye - we had our man! Runrig would continue. I remember seeing Rory grinning from ear to ear at the reaction. All was well with the world.

And man, what a journey Bruce took us on from there. The band were always incredible on stage but there was that something extra from there on in. They were alive again. From Sheffield, to Stirling, with many, many points in-between including New York, Denmark, Germany - the Barrowlands! I saw them with friends, family and so many others. Thanks to Bruce we managed to squeeze another twenty or so years out of the band. Thank you for making that trip across the Atlantic (so many times!), especially that initial one - well how could you say no to Marlene?

Ah yes, Bruce in Portree! I am now living on Skye but in 1990 I was but a frequent visitor, my family having connections there even before I was born. Runrig were playing the Portree Community Hall in June 1999. Well, it would be rude not to go, especially as I was attending a few others on that tour! So arrangements were made and my (now) wife and I pack the car and headed up the road. I had a rough idea on the timings for the sound check so we parked outside the hall, chips in hand and listened to it from outside. The excitement was already building for what would be an incredible concert. Then it ended and the band were ushered into it by their 'shepherd', Mark Green. Rory spotted me standing by my car. He recognised me and came over. I could see the look on Mark's face as if "we have a time schedule to keep" - but Rory was on Skye time! He came over and shook my hand and said he was happy to see me and had I met Bruce yet? I said no, so he lead me to the minibus. There they were, all huddled in there. Rory said to Bruce - "this is Craig, he has been a fan of the band for a very long time". Without hesitation Bruce looked at me and said "aye, but they have only been good in the last year or so, eh?!". I laughed and so did the rest of the band. It was clear we really had found the right man. It became evident that his humour and wit were a big part of Bruce. I met him many times after that day but this memory stands out when I think of him.

Thank you Bruce for the wonderful times you gave us in your time in Runrig. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to hear your own songs and compositions. You truly were an incredible person.

Heartfelt condolences to Kim, Dylan, Jodi and the rest of his friends and family. His memory will live on in the music and joy he gave to the world. Time passes, memories stay.

God bless you Bruce, we love you.

Craig Donald