To the songs that last forever

Created by Taylor one year ago

Firstly, I want to say that I am so so sorry for your loss. I actually can't find the words to say how sad I am that he is no longer with us.

I would also like to tell you about the impact he had on Runrig:

When Donnie left, I was distraught. Runrig had been the soundtrack to my life since I was 12 (so 10 years by then) and I was devastated. I didn't think he could ever be replaced.

I was so, so, so wrong. Bruce was the best thing that happened to Runrig. His beautiful voice, his emotive delivery and his kindness all shone through his own music and theirs. Bruce has been the voice that accompanied my highs and my lows and it has always given much comfort. 

His method of leading changed Runrig for the better. He took them from a band with a front man that delivered their set of songs and forged a team, where everyone shone. More than that, concerts became special. I always felt that myself as an individual, and the rest of the crowd, the band, the music, the lyrics, the landscape, history and culture of Scotland all became one, something bigger than all it's  parts. It was a uniquely special experience and I am so blessed  to have been able to experience that over the past 20 years. And Bruce was the one who made that happen, by encouraging his bandmates and by inviting us in.

I have lost my parents so I have an inkling of what Kim, Dylan and Jodi are going through and you have my profound condolences. But I hope that one day, when it's less painful, the extensive recordings of Bruce will bring you comfort. In the meantime, I hope it brings some comfort that he is cherished and mourned by a great many people across Canada and Scotland. I didn't expect to feel this level of grief at the passing of someone I have never met in person but I have cried and cried. I know I'm not alone, many many others feel that same and it's such a testament to the person he was.

There is such a hole in the world now 😢 but Runrig and Bruce's beautiful voice will continue to play a huge part of my life, as it always has done. 

Tomorrow, I will be raising a glass during his funeral and toasting the ties that bind, the songs (and voice) that lasts forever and the amazing, wonderful showman who made all the magic happen. ❤️